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North Forth Project Underway | Nashville Developments

Urban Housing Solutions, a Nashville-based nonprofit, has broken ground on a new development project named North Fourth.

North Fourth, a two-building infill project, is located at the northwest intersection of Cleveland Street and Lischey Avenue in East Nashville.

a two-building infill project located at the northwest intersection of Cleveland Street and Lischey Avenue in Nashville’s trendy East Nashville neighborhood. Visit here to learn a little more about the real estate market in East Nashville and the hot spots of the area.

North Fourth, a project that will cost approximately $1.4 million, is slated for completion by spring 2013. The project will feature seven workforce housing apartments and around 1,000 square feet of commercial space. Currently, officials are targeting a coffee shop for the space. To read about other East Nashville coffee shops, visit here and to see a list of some of our favorite coffee shops in neighborhoods all over Nashville, visit here.

Urban Housing Solutions is also the developer of Third & Chestnut, also in East Nashville, a project made up of 10 apartments and three commercial spaces. Third & Chestnut in East Nashville is slated to be finished around Thanksgiving of this year.

0 Responses to “North Forth Project Underway | Nashville Developments”

  • Would like to know about availabilty for 2 bedroom and the rate for rent? Please contact me by phone @ 615.668.0496. Thanks in advance.

    Written on

    Ms. Greer,

    We are not in charge of managing this property at all, we simply blogged about the news of its development and construction in the Nashville area. So sorry that we aren’t able to further assist you.

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